Saturday, April 27, 2013

Buddy Blessings

My son and I spent the day at church loving on children with special needs. It was our first time helping with this ministry. One Saturday a month our church hosts an event called Buddy Break. It is a program that started at a church in Florida and is spreading throughout the U.S. Parents of children with special needs (called VIP’s) from all over the community can drop their children and siblings off to be cared for and entertained. These parents are usually  “on” 24x7, without a break. This is a chance for parents to take their break, to get errands done, or just have quiet “me” time. Each volunteer (buddy) is paired with a child for the day. The children have their choice of crafts, bounce house, ball pit, drawing, games, etc. There was a wide range of needs, some more severe than others. Some of the children never stopped running, while others played quietly.  My son was partnered with a sweet 14 year old boy. My VIP never showed up, so I was a floater, helping out wherever needed. All of the children are so precious and truly special. I came away from the day with a much greater appreciation for the hard work and constant dedication of these parents. These families are no different than any other, in that they love their children with all their hearts and they want the very best for them. There is a difference though, in that their journey is much more difficult. I feel so blessed to have two very healthy and strong sons and have my own health too. But I cannot get comfortable in my own blessings. It is so important that we share our blessings with others and show these children and their parents the love of Jesus.  I believe that many blessings were poured out on everyone involved- the parents, the children and the helpers.

 Luke 18:16,  But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.

 Acts 20:35, Remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’

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