Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Happy Reunions, Sad Goodbyes

What a wide range of emotions I’ve had over the last few days! It began at the airport as our son came home after a long, four month separation. He had been away for his first semester at college, far across the country. Thank goodness for texting, emails, Facebook and phone calls! Well, our firstborn son, my baby, was coming home and I was so excited! There was a bit of traffic on the way to the airport so we didn’t get there as early as I had hoped. But, God’s timing was perfect. Just as we (my husband, our younger son and me) were entering the baggage area my husband looked up and saw our son entering the area as well. The anticipation had been building for weeks. I caught him in my sight and ran across the room, yelling his name and crying (just like the movies). I was so happy to have him home. I hugged him a lot! What a blessing to spend Christmas with him and have my whole family together under one roof. So that is my happy reunion.

 My sad goodbye, started last night and on into this morning. Over the last four months (yes the same four months my older son was away) we have had the blessed privilege of hosting two international students from China. These wonderful boys lived with us and became a part of our family. They came to America to attend high school where my sons attend. They eat, sleep, study, relax, and have fun with us. They also receive comfort, guidance and discipline (when needed) from us, just like our very own children. It is not always easy, but it always ends up being a blessing! Both boys just went home for Christmas break. It turns out that we will not be hosting them next semester.  One of them will be staying with his family and not returning for second semester and we don’t know when we will see him again. The other will be moving on as well, but he will be able to visit us (hopefully a lot). How quickly our hearts become touched and involved with those who come into our lives. As I dropped one Chinese son off this morning for his flight back home my heart broke and tears flowed. As we hugged we both actually had tears. We said “I love you”, and I told him that we are his American family forever, and I meant it.

 2 Timothy 1:3-4, I thank God, whom I serve, as my ancestors did, with a clear conscience, as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers. 4 Recalling your tears, I long to see you, so that I may be filled with joy.


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