Friday, September 23, 2011

Ever Faithful

Fall is here! I am so excited! Living in California means that an Autumn day often times looks just like a Summer day. But, this morning while I was making school lunches, I looked out the kitchen window and noticed the leaves in the trees were rustling and there were some clouds mixed in with the sunshine. Then I noticed that the patio was getting darker in spots as some sprinkles of rain fell on it.  Yippee! I yelled to my family and ran to look out the front door. I knew that if there was rain and sunshine there was bound to be a rainbow. Sure enough it was right outside my front door. I called to my husband to come and look with me. As we stood there I noticed that it was actually a double rainbow. I was reminded of how ever faithful our God is. He pours out a double blessing on our lives as we look to Him and follow Him. His promise has remained since before time even began. What a wonderful way to start the morning, being reminded of God’s faithfulness to me!

 "I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. It is the sign of my covenant with you and with all the earth." Genesis 9:13, NLT

1 comment:

Ruthie said...

Yay! So looking forward to reading your blog. Thanks for taking the plunge into the blogging world!