Thursday, September 22, 2011

Consider the Lilies

 Jesus tells us to, “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin.” KJV, Matthew 6:28

What a beautiful lesson God is showing us here. The lilies represent resting in God’s presence, showing that He is the one who takes care of them and provides all the sunshine and rainfall they will need to make them bloom. The contrast is us laboring and toiling, working so hard on our own effort. We literally spin with no direction until we are so tired and dizzy; we just fall down from exhaustion. Jesus wants us to come to Him, rest in Him, and trust in Him completely.  Further on down in verse 6:33 Jesus tells us to,  “ seek first Hi s kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”    My hope is to someday  rest like the lilies, seeking Him first, trusting Him to care for me perfectly. 

 I thank you for joining me on my first blog ever. My desire is to give you glimpses of God through the teachings of scripture and also from the lessons I learn (sometimes the hard way).  My hope is that you can glean something from my stories along the way. Some stories are full of joy, some of sorrow, others of mishaps and also a few of mistakes. I don’t claim to be an expert in any particular area. I’m just a woman who loves the Lord and seek to follow Him with my life.  I am blessed with the privilege of sharing God’s Word in the women’s ministry at my home church, but I wanted to reach out and share God’s heart with even more women.
     I know that we all come from different situations in life, but I am sure that in one way or another our lives and experiences overlap in some way.

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