Thursday, January 26, 2017

Permission Slip

Looking at the pages of my calendar for the upcoming week there appeared to be scarcely little opportunity for quiet, rest, and dedicated time with the Lord. Just coming out of the holiday season, and the busyness that entails, and the pressing responsibilities looming on the very close horizon, I long for just a little time to reconnect with the Lord—to dig deep into His Presence for refreshment and an anchoring of my soul. Well, God in His goodness has intervened and opened my schedule, though not in a way I would have chosen. It seems I have succumbed to a bad cold, and have had to cancel and reschedule the very things that crowded my calendar. A cold is not usually considered a good thing, but if I let it, it can be used for a very good purpose—a permission slip to be excused from busyness, to sit in quiet, mandated rest with my Savior. As He goes to work healing my body, He is also at work revitalizing my soul. 

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