Saturday, June 25, 2016


It seems that many things come into our daily lives that try to distract us from the peace, joy, hope, and contentment that is meant to be ours. These “things” come in and make us lose focus of what truly matters—what is truly significant and lasting in the scheme of life. As petty as it is, the “thing” that began to frazzle me this week was my computer. I know technology is meant to make our lives easier, but for me it sometimes adds an extra level of frustration. I spent (wasted) an entire day trying to fix an old email address, then ended up having to switch to an entirely brand new email address, which continued to give me trouble as well. I do not like squandering a gorgeous summer day by being stuck indoors for no good reason; each day is a precious gift that I don’t want to pass by unused or fully appreciated. Enough of the day had already passed and I didn’t want to waste another minute. As evening approached I conceded that my attempt at straightening out my computer issues for the day was going to be a fruitless endeavor.  I chose to step away from my desk, remove myself from the situation, and head outdoors for a much needed fresh perspective. I laced up my walking shoes, opened the front door, and headed down the street. It’s amazing how quickly my perspective can change just by getting outside. As I put one foot in front of the other I felt the sun slowly melt my cares away, the light breeze whisk my cares far away, and the cheery song of the birds joyfully lift any thought of frustration from my mind. I thanked God for the beauty which surrounded me and showed me a bigger picture. I find time and time again that there is no better cure for the aggravations of life—no matter how petty or significant—than to spend time with God while taking in His grand creation. God is the Ultimate un-frazzler. He always puts “things” in their proper perspective.

 Psalm 21:6, “Surely you have granted him unending blessings and made him glad with the joy of your presence.”

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