I awoke on this day, the very last day of the year, to the sound
of excited chatter abounding from the trees surrounding my yard. Cheery little
birds greeting the day with joy and exuberance filled the air. They often sing
in chorus as a new day rises; they seem to care not whether it is the last or
the first day on the calendar. Their celebration rings in every day; they seem
to rejoice at their current blessings, and at the prospects each day holds.
As the year comes to a close today, whatever blessings you
recount, whatever prospects you hope for in the new year, don’t lose sight of
them and let them fall by the wayside after just a few short days or weeks.
Hold onto both—continue to count and recount your blessings, and continue to cling
to prospects and hope found in each new day. Continue to rejoice and celebrate
each rising of the dawn. Praise the One who blesses you, and seek the One who
holds your hope. And like the birds, greet each day with a song in your heart.
Psalm 145:7, “They celebrate your
abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness.”