Thursday, July 2, 2015


California is in a season of drought and residents are asked to cut back on their water use in every possible way. As you drive the streets of our neighborhood the cut in water use becomes evident rather quickly; the lawns which use to be lush and green, now have large brown, crunchy, dry spots. A brown lawn is now the pride of the neighborhood, representing that you are you doing your part to conserve.
This morning I came out into the backyard to take in the cool fresh air before the heat overtook the day. As I stood their surveying the hills and sky around me I felt the delightful sprinkle of tiny wet drops landing on my skin. It wasn’t much in the way of precipitation but I appreciated every little bit. I could hear the birds chirping and if I listened hard enough I’m sure I would hear the parched hills exhaling a sigh “ahhh” as they absorbed whatever moisture fell on them, providing a bit of necessary refreshment.
I can totally relate to the hills that have been deprived of some much needed water. Just as the land needs constant watering in order to be its best; lush, green, vibrant, and growing strong, I need time alone with the LORD to get my necessary refreshment. To be my best, to feel vibrant and alive, and to keep growing in the right direction; I need time in God’s Word (the Bible), I need special, quiet time to talk with Him alone (just Him and me, heart to heart), I need time with girlfriends who share my love of the Lord (we can encourage each other). I exhale a sigh of “ahhh” after these precious times of refreshment, they water my very soul. Without these vital times of refreshment I quickly grow parched and my attitude can get “crunchy” like the dry brown lawn. Just like crunchy, brown grass is no fun to walk on, a crunchy brown attitude is no fun for anyone.
 It may be a good idea for me to get a hat to wear as a caution to others during my times with the LORD, but Instead of writing “Do Not Disturb” across the front it would say “Soul Watering in Progress”.

Jeremiah 17:7-8,  “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
    whose confidence is in him.
They will be like a tree planted by the water
    that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
    its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
    and never fails to bear fruit.”


Belle said...

I love the "soul watering in progress!"

Morgan said...

Just lovely!