Friday, March 13, 2015



Prayers of thanksgiving give glory to God. Thanksgiving acknowledges that all of our blessings are a gift from God. "Every good and perfect gift is from above". Thanksgiving also changes our outlook on things. When I give thanks my "glass half-empty" view quickly changes to the "glass half-full" view. Sometimes it may seem that there isn't anything to be thankful for. But there are so many things to be thankful for.

 I have found that the perfect place to begin is by thanking God for our salvation. We can thank Him for the air in our lungs. Thank Him for the beauty of creation... for the clouds in the sky, for the mountains, the ocean, the trees, etc. Thank Him for our health... if we are not so healthy at the moment… thank Him for doctors to care for us. Thank Him for our family. Thank Him for friends.

Thank Him for the freedom in our nation to study His Word without fear.
Thank Him for the hope He offers and that He is with us always.
Thank Him that He can help restore all of our relationships. Thank Him for the promise of eternity with Him.

As we thank our Father in heaven we are reminded of His goodness to us. Our eyes are focused upon Him. Giving thanks lifts our spirits; When we give thanks our heavy hearts are lightened. We are filled with hope, courage, peace and joy.
Begin now by thanking God for everything that pops into your mind.
Begin with the basics of your life and your foundation of salvation. When negative things come into your mind take them captive and turn them positive by remembering God’ promises, found in His Holy Bible. Look at them from another angle, God’s angle.

Psalm 100:4 , “ Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.”

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