Sunday, September 22, 2013

Two Lessons

This semester I am in a Bible study on the “Sermon on the Mount”, which is a message directly from Jesus to His followers. Throughout the Sermon we find many life lessons, some told as parables (a story used to illustrate a spiritual truth).  This weekend I had the pleasure of experiencing two of these parables all in the course of about two hours.
I look forward to Saturday mornings when I don’t have to hurry out of bed, but can take my time and maybe even sleep till 8:00 or so. This Saturday I was woken up by the next door neighbor’s dog at 5:15. This happens sometimes on weekdays and I usually have to get out of bed at 6:00 so it doesn’t leave much time for falling back to sleep. This particular morning I was able to fall back to sleep for another couple of hours. I awoke at 7:30 to birds chirping outside my window and I continued to lay there enjoying the leisure of the morning. Well, about 7:40 I heard a lawn mower start up out in the front yard. I thought “Oh no, someone’s gardener is here very early”. Maybe someone (me) should tell them they shouldn’t start before 8:00 am. Maybe someone (me) should let the owners of the house know that it’s too early.” Finally the mower stopped and it was quiet again. Just as I was beginning to relax in peace again I heard the mower start up again… in my own back yard!!!  Much to my surprise it was our gardener making such a ruckus at such an early hour!!! My husband had decided to try out a new gardener and this was the time he could come on this visit. I am very happy to report that he will usually be coming later in the afternoon.
So this parable reminded/ convicted me of the one Jesus told on “Taking the log out of my own eye, before removing the speck of dirt from someone else’s eye.” In other words be careful of pointing your finger at someone else, there are always three fingers pointing back at you.

Matthew 7:4-5, How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

My second encounter with another of Jesus’ parables happened as my husband and I were driving around looking at a few garage sales. Once in a while we do this just to spend time together.  This story is a little more somber than the first. We came to a house that was having an estate sale, which neither of us had ever been to. I went inside to take a quick peek around. I didn’t stay inside long at all.  I was overcome with sadness as glanced around the kitchen and family room of this little home. It was filled with dishes, trinkets, and lots of other stuff. These things had meant something to someone. I saw the couch and the chairs set up in the family room and pictured the family that may have filled the space within these walls with love. I could tell that this had been someone’s home until recently. My husband tried to reassure me that maybe the family were just selling everything and moving to Hawaii. From the way things looked I don’t think that was the case. I hope that the person that had lived there is enjoying a new home in heaven with Jesus now. In heaven we don’t need all of our stuff, God will provide everything we need in our new home.

Matthew 6:19-21,  “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Friday, August 23, 2013


Growing up I would sometimes hear people mention the meaning of their names. Some of them had beautiful meanings that I kind of envied. You see the meaning of my name is “Harvester”, and when I was younger I thought it sounded dull and boring. Over the years I have come to greatly appreciate the meaning of my name.
For many years I have tried my hand at growing oranges and lemons, and each year I would get so excited as the white blossoms turned into little green balls of baby fruit.  These were supposed to ripen to full size fruit, but mine would inevitably all fall off to the ground below.  I am happy to report that my green thumb seems to be doing much better this year. I have four fruit trees which are all doing well this season. My nectarine tree produced a large bowl of juicy, sweet fruit for me this summer. I have expanded my citrus to include a mandarin tree as well as the orange and lemon. I am very pleased to say that the little green fruits have stayed on their branches and are actually growing into what I hope to be an abundant harvest of healthy, yummy treats. My greatest feat this summer was the overflowing, unending supply of tomatoes and green squash. We have a Topsy Turvy tomato plant hanger that has provided me with enough tomatoes for big bowls of fresh salsa and Crockpots full of homemade pasta sauce.  The green squash seem to be from the Jurassic period. I have never seen such huge squash in all my life, and they just keep on coming. I use them in soups, with pasta, in egg dishes, etc.
It seems that I am living up to my name and I am thoroughly enjoying it. Planting, watering and tending to the plants is very rewarding work. The time invested is well worth it. Watching the fruit grow, bringing in the harvest and enjoying the fruits of my labor is a wonderful blessing.
I have found though, that the best part of having the name “Harvester” is that as a child of God I am specifically called to be a “Harvester”, not of fruit but of people. God wants me and all of His followers to plants seeds of love with the message of Jesus to all people. It is wonderful to watch as lives are transformed as they turn to God and He makes their lives blossom into something beautiful. I am blessed to be called His harvester.

Matthew 9:37-38, Then Jesus said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

James 3:18, Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Bicycle Girls

The menu for my brunch today-
Chinese Chicken Salad
·        Grilled chicken breast strips
·        Red cabbage, green cabbage, romaine lettuce
·        Toasted slivered almonds
·        Mandarin oranges
·        Green onions
·        Chinese chicken salad dressing
Veggie Egg Dish – Swiss cheese with green onions and green squash (right from my own garden)
Ham and Cheddar Cheese Egg Dish
Cranberry and Orange Scones- with marmalade and Mascarpone cream cheese
Fresh Whole Strawberries (from the truck down the street/right from the farm)
French Bread and Butter
And of course Brownies

Recently I was invited to a ladies luncheon as part of a women’s ministry called “His Flower Girls”. The purpose of the ministry is to bless women with inspiration on incorporating our faith into the warm, loving atmosphere of our homes. I was one of seven ladies in attendance. I left the afternoon inspired to open my home and bless some of my friends.
So, today’s luncheon was a result of that inspiration. As I was putting my list together I prayed that God would put on my mind the women He desired to be there. My final list included eleven women. A couple could not make it because they were out of town. One friend called to cancel the evening before and one friend called to accept the invitation the morning of the brunch. God knew exactly how many women would fit perfectly at my table, including me. There were nine of us in all.  We all sat around the big table enjoying our meal, visiting and getting to know each other. You see the women I invited were not well acquainted with each other. It was kind of a random group. We all have our Bible study group in common which meets every Wednesday, but there are usually 150-200 in attendance, so it is easy to not know everyone. This group was specially put together by God. He knew of some common denominators among the ladies. He knew they would be able to share, encourage and bless each other in amazing ways. As I was hurrying around in preparation this morning I stopped to take a moment with God. I asked Him to bless each woman, that they would feel welcome, that the food would be yummy and that He would attend too. Party planning (and all planning) goes so much better when God is invited.

Revelation 3:20, Jesus said, Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.

 As you see in the picture, each place setting has a card with a bicycle on it. I love bicycles and all the fun and carefree-ness they represent. I gave each friend a card and had them write down some of the summer words that bring happy thoughts and memories for them. They each took this home to be a reminder. We named ourselves the Bicycle Girls Club, or the Biker Chicks (not sure yet). J

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Heavenly Handiwork

A few nights ago I was awoken from my sleep at exactly 2:12 AM. I like complete silence, except for the quiet hum of a fan when I am sleeping. Otherwise I tend to hear every little sound. This particular night as I was sleeping, I suddenly heard the soft, furry feet of my dog rustling and wandering around at the foot of my bed. Ordinarily he sleeps in his comfy bed in the hallway. He used to sleep in our room years ago, that is until he began snoring; so now he sleeps in the hall. My dog is a beagle, which is a relative of the hound dog;
and so it seems that his nose had gone into overtime. I’m assuming he got a whiff of coyotes going by. The scent must have drifted in through my bedroom window and out into the hall where it caught his attention. Soon he was standing below my window inhaling very loudly. I went to calm him and put him back to bed, but then thought I should take him outside for a quick break first. Knowing there may be coyotes nearby I put his leash on so he couldn't wander away from my side. I took him into the backyard and stood there waiting for him in the pitch black night. I glanced up into the sky and saw a million little lights twinkling above me. It was absolutely beautiful and comforting too. The sky was perfectly clear and the night was still, except for me and my dog. As I stood there gazing at the stars I was given the amazing reminder that our God never sleeps. He is always watching over me and protecting me. He even left a million breath-taking nightlights on for me that night. I feel very blessed to have witnessed such an awesome part of creation that I usually sleep right through.
Thank you God for getting me out of bed to enjoy your heavenly handiwork and for reminding me that I am safe in you continual care.

Psalm 19:1, The heavens declare the glory of God; the sky displays his handiwork.

Psalm 4:8, I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.

Friday, July 12, 2013


Today is July 12th, the middle of summer. For me summertime evokes feelings and memories of a certain carefree time. The days are longer as the sun rises into the sky earlier in the morning and sets down later each night, allowing for more opportunity to spend time on the people and things we really enjoy. Our schedules are more relaxed, as is our attitude. The bright sunny mornings encourage us to pop out of bed and greet the day with a smile. The cool evenings invite us to linger outdoors and take in the beauty found all around us. When I think of summertime certain words come into my mind. They bring a smile to my face and lightness to my heart. An example of some of my words, which you may share are- sprinklers, park, swimming, popsicles, bicycles, cartwheels, watermelon, strawberries, green grass, slip ‘n’ slide, swings, beach, the smell of Coppertone sunscreen, birds chirping, picnics, books, laughing, ice cream truck, iced tea, lemonade, grandma’s house, and the stars at night. What we choose to think about has an effect on our mindset towards life. Our attitudes set the course of our day. We have the option to choose joy each day and each moment. I encourage you to make a mental note or jot down on paper some word pictures that will bring joy to your day. Each day is a gift from the LORD. Let’s offer up a sacrifice of thanksgiving to Him as we choose joy today.

Psalm 65:8, The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders;
    where morning dawns, where evening fades,
    you call forth songs of joy.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Child-like Faith

Remember when as a kid, in child-like faith you would climb aboard a friend’s handlebars and fearlessly let them give you a ride around town. Your hands gripping the bars beneath you; your legs dangling freely. Now as an adult, in need of the feeling of control and calculation, we carefully climb aboard our own comfortable bicycle seat, steering the direction of where we want to go. This past 4th of July weekend I witnessed one of the potential perils of trusting someone else as we sit upon the handlebars. Two girls joyfully riding along approached a stop light at a busy intersection on Coronado Island. The teenage girls seemed to be going straight through the intersection despite the many cars around; when at the very last second the bicycle came to an abrupt stop, sending the handlebar rider flying off. Fortunately she was unharmed as they were both laughing at the sudden event. It is precisely for this reason that we prefer to be in command of our own bicycle ride and rely on our own decision making. It just feels like the safer choice and often times this is true… with one major exception.
Jesus tells us to come to Him with child-like faith. Imagine that carefree, trusting faith that enabled you to climb onto the handlebars and trust your friend to drive you around. Remember the joy and laughter that you shared as you navigated the town together. This is what Jesus wants to share with us. How I want to climb on the handlebars and let Jesus pedal; He does the hard work as we explore together. Jesus never stops short, sending me flying through the air into oncoming traffic. I pray for child-like faith to jump onto the handlebars today!

Luke 18:15-17   People were also bringing babies to Jesus for him to place his hands on them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

God of Hope – God my Protector

Our God is a God of Hope. There are countless attributes of God that reflect the countless ways we can place our hope in Him, and trust that He will meet our needs.  He is our Creator, He is Love, He is Faithful, He is Merciful, and He is our Redeemer, to name just a few. Last week I called upon the attribute of God my Protector. As I opened my front door last Thursday I came face to face with smoke and flames pouring down the hill across from my home. As the fire surrounded my neighborhood, the extremely brave firemen came to battle the blaze. My thoughts turned to God. I prayed that He would protect the firemen and everyone in the neighborhood and all of our homes. I prayed that God would “still the winds and increase the humidity”.  I prayed that He would “send His angel armies to fight the battle alongside the firemen and also to keep them safe from harm”. I prayed that God would “multiply the efforts and success of the firefighters a thousand-fold”. And that He would “put a hedge of protection around the homes”. I know there were many others who prayed, and the Lord listened. After two days of fire, we awoke to cool weather, and sprinkles of rain. We went from 95 degrees to high 60’s within three days, and the wind quickly died down. As you look around the community you see that the fire came down to the gates of hundreds of backyards. Not one home was lost, not one life was taken. I can clearly see the hedge of protection that was placed around us. God strengthened and equipped the firefighters; He blessed and protected everyone and all the homes.

I prayed with such boldness and specifics because as I have read the Bible I see there are many times God’s people prayed this way and He moved mightily on their behalf. I prayed this way because He is The God of Hope, and my hope is in Him.

Psalm 104   Let all that I am praise the Lord.  O Lord my God, how great you are! You are robed with honor and majesty. 2 You are dressed in a robe of light. You stretch out the starry curtain of the heavens; 3 you lay out the rafters of your home in the rain clouds. You make the clouds your chariot; you ride upon the wings of the wind. 4 The winds are your messengers; flames of fire are your servants.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Buddy Blessings

My son and I spent the day at church loving on children with special needs. It was our first time helping with this ministry. One Saturday a month our church hosts an event called Buddy Break. It is a program that started at a church in Florida and is spreading throughout the U.S. Parents of children with special needs (called VIP’s) from all over the community can drop their children and siblings off to be cared for and entertained. These parents are usually  “on” 24x7, without a break. This is a chance for parents to take their break, to get errands done, or just have quiet “me” time. Each volunteer (buddy) is paired with a child for the day. The children have their choice of crafts, bounce house, ball pit, drawing, games, etc. There was a wide range of needs, some more severe than others. Some of the children never stopped running, while others played quietly.  My son was partnered with a sweet 14 year old boy. My VIP never showed up, so I was a floater, helping out wherever needed. All of the children are so precious and truly special. I came away from the day with a much greater appreciation for the hard work and constant dedication of these parents. These families are no different than any other, in that they love their children with all their hearts and they want the very best for them. There is a difference though, in that their journey is much more difficult. I feel so blessed to have two very healthy and strong sons and have my own health too. But I cannot get comfortable in my own blessings. It is so important that we share our blessings with others and show these children and their parents the love of Jesus.  I believe that many blessings were poured out on everyone involved- the parents, the children and the helpers.

 Luke 18:16,  But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.

 Acts 20:35, Remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’