Thursday, February 9, 2012

Catch My Breath

Like most everyone my days are busy; full of activity from morning till night. I usually wake up at 6 and don’t sit down until it’s time for bed (I do go to bed early though).  I’m sure you can relate. Today has things for me to do as well, but there has been a different feeling about it; less rushed, a more relaxed flow to it. I started my day by sleeping in a bit (very unusual), and then I was off to get myself a coffee treat. After that I headed to the kid’s school for an awards assembly. Then I went to the market... all the usual stuff; but my pace was what made the difference. It was such a beautiful day that I decided to take my dog on a walk to the park; right in the middle of the day! Usually he gets his walks at the end of the day when I have finished my tasks. We walked down to the park and around the park. Then as we were getting ready to head home we plopped ourselves down on a park bench. It had recently rained so every thing was fresh and clean. I sat there with my dog, petting him, listening to my Ipod, staring at the crystal blue sky and the bright green grass and hills around; taking it all in. I was catching my breath from the usual hustle and bustle of every day.  I am finding that things come into a much clearer perspective when I allow myself to sit down and reflect on what is really important, especially outdoors in the beauty of God’s creation where all distractions are removed. I am able to appreciate everything much more. I do not need to feel guilty for taking this time, everyone benefits in the end.

 God doesn’t want us to go, go, go without resting. He actually calls us to rest; He knows we need times of rest so that we can be refreshed by Him before continuing on with our daily tasks.

Psalm 23, the message, 1-3 God, my shepherd! I don't need a thing.
You have bedded me down in lush meadows,  you find me quiet pools to drink from.
True to your word, you let me catch my breath and send me in the right direction.

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