Each new day
I have is a gift from God, waiting to be opened and appreciated. I need to be
intentional with how I use this gift. As I face this day it is essential that I remember to focus my attention on today, not worrying about tomorrow or
fretting about the past. Worrying and fretting just steal the precious resource
of time today.
says that, “This is the day the LORD
has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
Scripture gives
us countless guidelines for making the most of our time, but here are just
three of the basics-
1- Focus on making the most of this day, rejoicing in this day and the gift that it is. Even
though life can be quite difficult we can still rejoice in this day by remembering that God is good, He is faithful and He is
with us. This day holds the
possibility of change and the promise of hope.
2- Don’t waste the gift of this day, this precious gift of time, by
letting it slip away unused and unappreciated. We cannot get a day back once it
has passed.
3- Be careful and mindful of how we use
and spend our time. As this day begins
and we get to choose how to thoughtfully invest our time, and are wise to
consider, “is this a good use of this gift of today, is it beneficial, is this
wise, it a blessing to me or others and does it honor God?”
We never
know what the next day holds, we only have the gift of today. So let’s accept
it, open it, appreciate it, and use it to the fullest.
Ephesians 5:15-16, Be careful then how you live, making the most of
every opportunity.”