Wednesday, May 8, 2013

God of Hope – God my Protector

Our God is a God of Hope. There are countless attributes of God that reflect the countless ways we can place our hope in Him, and trust that He will meet our needs.  He is our Creator, He is Love, He is Faithful, He is Merciful, and He is our Redeemer, to name just a few. Last week I called upon the attribute of God my Protector. As I opened my front door last Thursday I came face to face with smoke and flames pouring down the hill across from my home. As the fire surrounded my neighborhood, the extremely brave firemen came to battle the blaze. My thoughts turned to God. I prayed that He would protect the firemen and everyone in the neighborhood and all of our homes. I prayed that God would “still the winds and increase the humidity”.  I prayed that He would “send His angel armies to fight the battle alongside the firemen and also to keep them safe from harm”. I prayed that God would “multiply the efforts and success of the firefighters a thousand-fold”. And that He would “put a hedge of protection around the homes”. I know there were many others who prayed, and the Lord listened. After two days of fire, we awoke to cool weather, and sprinkles of rain. We went from 95 degrees to high 60’s within three days, and the wind quickly died down. As you look around the community you see that the fire came down to the gates of hundreds of backyards. Not one home was lost, not one life was taken. I can clearly see the hedge of protection that was placed around us. God strengthened and equipped the firefighters; He blessed and protected everyone and all the homes.

I prayed with such boldness and specifics because as I have read the Bible I see there are many times God’s people prayed this way and He moved mightily on their behalf. I prayed this way because He is The God of Hope, and my hope is in Him.

Psalm 104   Let all that I am praise the Lord.  O Lord my God, how great you are! You are robed with honor and majesty. 2 You are dressed in a robe of light. You stretch out the starry curtain of the heavens; 3 you lay out the rafters of your home in the rain clouds. You make the clouds your chariot; you ride upon the wings of the wind. 4 The winds are your messengers; flames of fire are your servants.