Sunday, June 10, 2012


Last week my oldest son graduated from High School. It was an exciting time; filled with many award ceremonies, banquets, luncheons, parties with family and friends and most significant of all, the graduation ceremony itself. The busyness of so many events kept me focused on the joy of the time, in celebrating the accomplishment and completion of a wonderful phase of my son’s life (and mine as well). The busyness is fading and now the reality that my son will be moving across the country is settling in. I just finished putting a photo album of his high school years together as a gift for him. I am so happy for him and proud of him. He has grown so much over the past few years.  I know that he is prepared for this adventure; I hope I am too. As I look over the pictures my heart is torn between joy and melancholy. As much as I long to keep him close to me, I also long for him to continue growing and following the path that God has prepared for him. Growth and change are healthy parts of life; they are a part of the process needed to develop us into the people God desires. We are strengthened and equipped for change as we lean fully on God. God has brought us to this place in life and He is faithful to lead us onward.  I know God will meet my son’s needs and also meet mine.

3 John 1:4, There is no greater joy than to know that my children walk in the Lord.